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Michele Dombard
Alpine skiing
Spoken languages
French - English - Dutch

‘Every country possesses its own charm for skiing’


Michèle likes practicing skiing, especially for enjoying the environment and fresh air the mountain provides! 

Originally from Belgium, Michèle arrived in the resort of Tignes thanks to her training with national teams. She indeed practiced competitive skiing in world cup championships for ten years, and was even awarded Belgium champion for eight years on O-K slope in Val d'Isère. After she taught in Club Med for seven seasons in Switzerland, France and the USA, Michèle now shares her expertise in the ESF of Tignes, which she considers as a very large home which proved its worth, and where hard work prevails. Armed with 30 years of experience, she provides skiing lessons for children and adults in French, English and in Dutch, where listening, observation and respect are at the heart of her concerns. 

Michèle, who likes breathing in the fresh air of the mountain and developing outside in winter, is always pleased to ski in Tignes, where she alternates the different slopes of the area ‘to break the routine'. Yet, this instructor also likes travelling and practicing this sport abroad because, for her, ‘every country possesses its own charm for skiing’.

Apart from skiing, Michèle likes focusing on the body understanding through moves as well as on the functioning of the human being in order to explore all aspects of this sport!