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Valerie Licoine
Alpine skiing
Spoken languages
French - English

‘Skiing is a wonderful passion.’ 


Valérie has been passionate about skiing since the day she discovered this sport!

Originally from the Pyrenees, Valérie started skiing when she was three years-old, and this passion never left her. She took part in competitions and was awarded several times Pyrenees Champion. She was even part of the Pyrenees Comity. Valéry taught in Cauterets, her native town, and carried out several skiing expeditions in Austria, Espace and in Switzerland. From her experience abroad, she can say that the Dolomites, the Vallées Blanches, Fornet, Oisan and Zermatte are her favourite slopes in the world.

Today, she teaches skiing to adults and children in French and in English. But before that, and driven by her passion for skiing and for the mountain, she was teaching snowboarding, off-piste and was training for competition. Valérie provides her lessons within the ESF, which for her conveys trust and expertise. It has been thirty-three years that she has worked as a ski instructor and that she does her best to adapt her teaching while being careful to the sensitivity and the way of comprehending of each of her learners. Her aim is to work in a good and relaxed atmosphere in order to pass on her knowledge, trying to meet her learners' expectations as much as possible. By a matter of fact, Valérie has collected many memories during her teaching experience, years during which she managed to forge beautiful complicities and true moments of sharing, surrounded by a wonderful landscape.

When she was 20, Valérie arrived in Tignes on the occasion of her first winter in Club Med, when she was working as a geo-instructor. This occupation was like a dream that came true for her: ‘becoming a ski instructor in one of the largest resorts in the world- a dream that you have when you are young and you like skiing, and when you come from a small resort of the Pyrenees.’ She still enjoys the friendly atmosphere radiating from the village, from the charm of the lake and from the height of the skiing area. Valérie loves all the slopes of the resort, which are, for her: ‘happiness and kilometers of sliding.'

Apart from skiing, Valérie also runs a rafting company in the summer with her husband in Bourg Saint Maurice.